Zwei,der momentan wohl interessantesten, Metalbands aus England, zu Gast in der Gerber 3. Beklemmender Blackened Sludgcore trifft auf experimentelle Post Metal Hymnen.
Einlass: 20:00 Uhr
Start: 21:00 Uhr
Conjurer (Blackened Sludgecore - UK)
"With such a phenomenal start to their career and with no plans to compromise what-so-ever, it seems Conjurer are in a perfect place to join their peers, the celebrated likes of Employed to Serve and Venom Prison, as one of the UKs finest contemporary extreme metal acts."
Independent Uk
"In the end I simply cannot find anything to fault in this album. It is an incredible achievement and Conjurer deserve recognition for this gem."
Echoes And Dust
"It’s that variety that makes Conjurer not only one of the best new metal bands to spring up in the UK in recent years, but also one of the most accessible. For every heinous dirge (the breakdown on Retch, for example), that could alienate, there’s a moment of undeniable musicality or melody – shown best on Thankless’ outro – that offers its hand out to those that can’t get by on heavy alone. That they’ve achieved something this accomplished on a debut record is nothing short of stunning."
Pijn ( Experimental Post Metal - UK)
"As a huge fan of bands like Pelican, Isis and Russian Circles, Pijn’s debut certainly left a lasting impression on me. The EP is painstakingly composed and beautifully produced, showcasing a style and maturity you’d expect from an experienced veteran of the genre; yet they establish their own identity through probing anguish and serenity with grand scope. When they explore them further, one can only imagine what they’ll find. One thing’s for sure, I’ll certainly be first in line to hear it."
Echoes And Dust
"Their sound is a vivid amalgam of post-rock and post-metal, which manages to avoids the ‘crescendo-core’ pitfalls that both genres are so often readily associated with. Instead, their debut EP, Floodlit, manages to evoke bands as diametrically opposed as Sigur Rós and Cult of Luna, without ever sounding specifically like either one of them. "
Independent Uk
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