In Kooperation mit Produzent Doug Brown und der Hypno East Brigade, haben wir eine Ausstrahlung des Grindcore Dokumentarfilms SLAVE TO THE GRIND in die heiligen Hallen der Gerber lotsen können.
Um die Kosten ein wenig auszugleichen wird es diverse Soli-Leckereien geben - unter Anderem Nachos mit veganem Käsedip. ;) Die Ausstrahlung beginnt pünktlich 18:00 Uhr. Sitzplätze sind für circa 50 Leute vorhanden, ansonsten können ausschließlich Steher geboten werden.
Einlass: 17:30 Uhr
Beginn (pünktlich): 18:00 Uhr
Im Anschluss gibt´s dann noch Konzert von der Hypno East Brigade - Concerts mit Like Rats (Ex Weekend Nachos) und Confusion Master.
Facebook Event:
"Slave To The Grind is the first official documentary on Grindcore. It exists somewhere between metal and punk. Grindcore is it’s own beast, and this film will show the world how it came to be and why it continues to persist.
Enjoying Grindcore requires a certain dedication that is not radio-friendly. Simply put, it is not easy to listen to. Grindcore is outright abrasive, and though that is part of the appeal, it demands a level of introspection that pop music does not. You need to give a lot to grind – and like anything in life, the more you give, the greater the return.
Finding investors to support such an extreme topic is exceptionally difficult. While we have a production and post-production crew that is dedicated to completing this film, there are expenses that we cannot ignore.
We are located in Toronto, Canada, and we have been documenting Grindcore as it tours through. While this is a great way to get a small percentage of the bands that we need, so many seminal Grindcore bands either don’t tour, or do not enter Canada. Every penny from the $12,000 we are asking for will go towards travel expenses.
This is our second feature length documentary as a team. Director Doug Brown’s last documentary was „Never Enough“, which was a film on why people collect (everything from My Little Ponies to Cadillacs). Collectively, we have worked on over 15 feature length documentaries, and believe it is the best medium to showcase the history."
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